Saturday, June 8, 2013

Ayurveda - How to live the Nature's way!

I recently watched a documentary on Ayurveda and wanted to share my thoughts.

This is one of those rare documentaries which talks about the greatness of Ayurveda. Where many medical cases have been rejected by modern medicine as incurable, this ancient science has an answer. Not only this, it also highlights how civilized, modern the ancient Indians were in most of the fields including medicines, not to forget it was the Indians, who were the fathers of plastic surgery. The makers of this documentary have taken immense efforts to get in touch with the different practitioners of this ancient Indian science across India and Germany. What does this mean – This suggests that  ancient Indians were well advanced in medicine, and we have lot of ayurvedic texts, which is still preserved till date on palm leaves, which details the cure for different diseases. Truly fascinating, how could have they have known what medical challenges the future generation will come across. This science has been passed on from generations to generations following the Guru – Shishya philosophy, without the help of Guru, one cannot individually interpret the texts , as many of them are not numbered. This video talks about  Ayurveda, Marma kalai, oil baths for the newly born and the mothers, cure for cancer, bowed legs, mud scan therapy, diabetic retinitis, brain hemorrhage and others. All this has been proven and the patients themselves are testimony to the effect Ayurveda has had on them.

Ayurveda  in essence is Art of living ; how to live the nature’s way!!!

Name of the Documentary : Ayurveda : The Art of Being

This 105 minute long documentary  is truly a delight, steals away all your thoughts and reinvigorates  your passion for India !