Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Left Hypocrisy

The following is an excerpt from an article by Shri M V Kamath on the role of the Comrades in the 1942 Quit India Movement. The Left left the Indian struggle for Independence but did not stop with that. It went further to back-stab us by joining the British to crush the Quit India movement. Waah Comrades Waah. Now we know what to expect of you. You may now mortgage India to one of our neighbours in the name of social revolution.

Here goes the excerpts:

August 9, 1942, was the start of the Quit India Movement which shook the nation as nothing else did. Only one party sought to sabotage the Movement and that was the Communist Party of India (CPI).

It is necessary to point out the nature and character of the Communist Party of India and its role as a betrayer of the freedom movement in 1942. As K.K. Chaudhari notes in his brilliantly researched book (Quit India Revolution: The Ethos of Its Central Direction, Popular Prakashan. Mumbai. pp. 440. Rs 500): "There are indeed startling facts and truths borne out by vast documents to prove the charge that the Communists had betrayed the cause of Indian Independence in 1942-1944."

The story of Communist betrayal of the freedom movement is sickening. The CPI newspaper kept denouncing Gandhiji and Subhas Chandra Bose as "blind Messiahs" and accused them of decadence. In February 1941, the Communist wrote that "the national movement under bourgeois leadership has entered into a blind alley". The Communists heaped abuse on Gandhiji, the Congress. Jayaprakash Narayan and Subhas Babu, and denigrated the clarion call of "Do or Die" as an indication of bankruptcy of thought. Not long after Hitler attacked the Soviet Union.

The Communist leader, P.C. Joshi went on his bended knees to Sir Reginald Maxwell, the Home Secretary, pledging his help to sabotage the Quit India Movement. Chaudhari says that "on many occasions the Communists were indeed more royalist than even the King of England". In submissions to Sir Reginald, Joshi showed what a splendid job he and his party were doing to break up the Quit India Movement. Chaudhari writes that the 120-page report "could not have been improved by any other collaborator of the British or by any quisling".

Joshi was so anxious to prove the CPI's utility to the British rule that he claimed that he was doing a better job of stemming the Quit India Movement, of denouncing Subhas Babu and leaders of the Congress underground. than the government itself! Notes Chaudhari: "The tone and contents of Joshi's performance report reveal crystal clear what the CPI had done to sabotage the 1942 movement."

In order to win over British support, the CPI indulged in the most disgusting acts of self-abasement. A party convention, held in Mumbai from May 23 to June 1, 1943 came out abusing the Congress to its heart's content. Subhas Babu was called a Fifth Columnist. Assistance was offered to the bureaucracy in intelligence work against underground Congressmen. In the process several of these underground workers were betrayed by the CPI to the police, who subjected them to exquisite torture.

Worse still, the CPI felt impelled to support the Muslim League in its demand for the vivisection of India. Writes Chaudhari : "By incessant and vociferous repetition Communists proclaimed the thesis that (1) India was not one nation but a collection of several separate nationalities. (2) the demand for Pakistan is a just and democratic one because Hindus would oppress them in future; (3) the Muslim League itself has become progressive and secular and Jinnah himself was secular and anti-religious and (4) the Congress must concede to the Muslims the right to self-determination."

Source: The Communist Role in Quit India Movement, M V Kamath in The Organizer

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