Monday, February 16, 2009

Dear Fellow Indians and Non Resident Indians,

Hinduism, the rock bed of India that sustained greatest civilization for 10,000 years is facing great threat for its survival. To give you a glimpse of what is happening:

1)Per Govt records in 2005 in Andhra Pradesh, there are 198,857 temples, 147, 991 churches, 175, 959 Mosques. Upto 90% of the churches and Mosques are built in last few years. India is rapidly islamised and christianized.

2)30% of coastal Andhra is converted. North Eastern states are converted upto 95%. Yearly billions of dollars are being poured for conversions from the West as well as from Saudi Arabia.

3)350,000 Kashmiri Hindus were driven away from Kashmir for last 18 years and are living in squalid camps. Daily temples are destroyed in Kashmir.

4)More than 4000 people were killed due to terrorism, just next to Iraq, in last 4 years, mostly Hindus and several Hindu Temples such as in Jaipur, Varanasi, Aksharadam, Ayodhya Ram temple have become areas of terrorism.

5) With blessing of Osama Bin Laden, Pakistan ISI and Bangladesh DGFI are on a mission to create Mughalistan, joining northen corridor of India from Pakistan to Bangla Desh.

6)Islamic fundamentalists in West Bengal and throughout the country are busy targeting Hindus, Hindu worship and Hindu institutions wherever their numbers are 25% or more.

7)In schools, colleges, banks everywhere being Hindu has become a burden in seats, in resources. Govt openly declared Muslims come first in the country for securing vote banks.

8)A serious problem Hindus are facing is in the way temples are targeted where massive looting of temple properties and devotee offerings and diversion of temple resources for political purposes is taking place.

To give just one example, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar quoted in 2005 in Karnataka, out of 72 crores collected from about 2 lakh temples only 6 crores are given back for temple maintenance, 50 crores diverted through treasury for Haj trips and 12 crores for churches and rest for Govt secular purposes. The results is 25% (50,000) are expected to close down.

You can get a glimpse of the situation by watching presentation 'Threat to Hindu Temples and Institutions' at

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