Thursday, February 5, 2009

Nostradamus On India, Sonia Gandhi & BJP

By Francois Gautier
Michel de Nostre-Dame, better known as Nostradamus (1503-1566), was a famous French astrologer whose predictions - which included the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy & the premature death of the previous Pope - have proved infallibly accurate.

Recently, unpublished manuscripts of Nostradamus have been discovered (and authentified) in an old trunk in the French city of Lyon. Curiously, there are two full pages, which deal at length with India, particularly with the Bharatiya Janata Party and the just concluded elections. We are giving here the first words in Latin, the language which he used, along with a rough translation in English.

"Politicus Bharatus Janatus Indicus veni grandus est vingtus unus centurus - Congressus oublium est …"

The Bharatiya Janata Party will come to dominate India in the 21st century, as the Congress, will slowly sink into oblivion.

"Malheureusus, duo annum millenium trahisonus idealum est Congressus ressemblum, fautum adoptus est. Electionirium Blanca Madamus attaquum"...

Unfortunately, to achieve power, the BJP may gradually forsake most of its idealism. In the 1999 elections for instance, (Nostradamus made here a prediction error : he said duum millenium = 2000), instead of concentrating on real issues - water, sanitation, education - it will waste all its energies on attacking the White Lady (Sonia Gandhi, we suppose).

"Surtoutnum idealus oublium Indianum magna Carta devenus est"…

But more than these basic issues, which any sincere politician should have at heart, it will not address the real burning changes which India needs to adopt so as to become again a Great Power.

And Nostradamus goes on to enumerate these changes :

"Congressus independantum Blancum copium est; necessarus changum indianus cumum facus est"…

As the Congress had heavily borrowed from the White Man (British ?) at Independence, it will become necessary to "Indianize" the nation so that it may manifest again its true unique soul.

"Panchayatum villagum empruntus. Sanskritus introdum est. Historicum ecritum manus, daemonus est. Yogum, respirationnus introdum est…"

Give back the power to the villages in the form of Panchayat. Reintroduce Sanskrit as the national language. Rewrite Indian History, which had mostly been devised by White Masters. Revive ancient traditional systems such as pranayama, yoga, and incorporate them in the education system and everyday life. Change the Constitution so that democracy may not be perverted as it will be. Privatise the over-staffed Iron Bird (Indian Airlines ?), which has the most expensive fares in the world…

"Malheureusus, secularus montrarus Congressus devenium est, corptionus introdus cancerus est..."

Unhappily again, goes on to say Nostradamus, the BJP in its eagerness to prove itself secular (secularus is originally a Latin word), will tend to become like the Congress : corruption, bureaucracy, the VIP plague, the madness of subsidies and the hunger for power, may eat its inner core as a cancer…

"Americanus octopussus contentus summum est; jaunus manus menacus ignorum est, Gaullus manum oublius est. Aurobindus Ghosus Propehetus ignorum est"…

It will try to please the American octopus (?) at the cost of India's integrity, will ignore the great danger of the Yellow Hand (China ?), it will forget that a reuniting with Pakistan is of utmost importance for the stability of the subcontinent, will shun the friendship of the Gauls (France ?) and will also disregard the words of its Great Prophet, Aurobindo Ghose.

And this is Nostradamus' scoop - if we may say :

"Politicus Bharatus Janatus interminum dividus duum et novus politicus formus"…

After some time, the Bharatiya Janata Party may split into two. Sincere idealists will form a parallel party which will have as its political platform many of the ideals which the BJP had forsaken.

"Indianus pretus reformus est, Grandus nationus manum"…

India by that time will be ready for the Big Change and the new party will sweep away the polls and implement these reforms.

"Sanskritus savantuus nationalum languus, decentralisum governmentus, aryanus theorum mortuum est, dharmum hinduus devenum. Christianum, Islamus influencum"…

Scholars will sit down to modernise and simplify Sanskrit; government will be decentralised; India will strive to form of a federation of SAARC countries; the theory of the Aryan invasion will be proved false and it will be shown that Indian civilisation is at least ten thousand years old and has influenced all great ancient civilisations and religions such as Christianity and even Islam.

And finally :

"Aurobindus Ghosus realisum est, Indianum Agus ancientus mortum non est"..

And the prophecy of Sri Aurobindo will be fulfilled : "India of the ages is not dead nor has She spoken Her last creative word. And that which She must seek now to awake, is not an anglicised oriental people, docile pupil of the West and doomed to repeat the cycle of the Occident's success and failure, but still the ancient immemorial Shakti recovering Her deepest self, lifting Her head higher towards the supreme source of light and strength and turning to discover the complete meaning and vaster form of Her Dharma".

P.S. Nostradamus had written a Post Script:

"Post Scriptum : Politicus Bharatus Janatus minus votus, realisus stupidum est et changum exorcisus"…

As the BJP, in spite of its alliance getting overall majority (in 1999), will actually win less seats than in the previous election (because of it folly of forsaking its idealism and only attacking the White Lady), it may come to its senses and take-up again its original ideals, thus avoiding the Split. In this way, this semi-defeat may help to exorcise the demons of mediocrity.


  1. It took me a while to understand the fun behind this...Nice one indeed.

  2. Indian voters will be casting their votes soon in the 15th parliamentary election.
    I am reproducing here with my two predictions carried in THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS DAILY dated May 17 and June 7,1999.I think that the points related to Nehru family(Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi) are still relevant
    NO 13 lucky for Atalji!
    Kochi:The number 13 has scared the life out of many.But it seems to have a saving grace as far as Prime Minister Atalji is concerned.This interesting find comes from Mr MK Damodaran who is passionately involved with numerology.His studies into the science of numbers have proved that 13 is not unfortunate for Atal Behari Vajpayee.Here are a few of his findings:
    At present even communist mouthpieces are saying that number 13 is unfortunate for Prime Minister Vajpayee.”Vajpayee was Prime Minister for 13 days and 13 months respectively.So,13 is unlucky for him!Oh God!What on earth have the communists and rationalists to do with an occult subject like numerology”,asks Mr Damodaran.
    According to numerology,13 is not at all an unfortunate number.The belief on the cotrary is is rooted somewhere else.As for Vajpayee,13 is a fortunate and highly powerful number.
    Vajpayee was born on December 25,1924.So his birth number is 7(2+5=7).Those born on 7,16 and 25 carry the birth number 7.
    According to numerology,numbers 1,2,4 and 7 are fortunate for those with birth number 7.”But from my research I have found that some times lucky numbers turn out to be unlucky also.However,the chances of ill-luck is comparitively less.”
    “I have found that mental power can be strengthened by by strictly adhering to lucky numbers”,continuesMr Damodaran.
    In the case of Vajpayee,numbers 1,2,4 and 7 have played prominent role his life.
    1)Firstly he became Prime Minister on May 16,1996.Both the date and year represent number 7,since they add up to 7.
    2)Then he was the 10th Prime Minister-adds up to 1(1+0=1).
    3)He ruled for 13 days-adds up to 4(1+3=4)
    4)He resigned on May 28-adds up to 1(2+8=10,1+0=1)
    5)Secondly he became Prime Minister on March 19(1+9=10,1+0=1)
    6)Then he was the 13th Prime Minister
    7)He ruled for 13 months with 13 parties.
    8)He lost power in April-the 4th month
    9)He was voted out by 1 vote
    10)He under took the historic Lahore trip on February 20,1999.
    The date adds up to 2(2+0=2).February is the 2nd month.1999 adds up to 1(1+9+9+9=28,2+8=10,1+0=1).
    11)The number of the name Vajpayee is 28 which adds up to 1.The name AB Vajpayee carries the number 31 which adds up to 4.He is also Known as Atalji which carries the number 11,that adds up to 2.
    In short,Vajpayee is highly influenced by numbers 1,2,4 and 7.
    Frankly speaking,a prediction in electoral victory or government formation cannot be done by numerology.Of cours,it can be done by expert asrologers.
    However,in view of the fact that Vajpayee’s powerful numbers 1,2,4 and 7 are prominently influencing him,certain hints can be got.
    1)Election is for the 13th Lok Sabha.Since it adds up to 4 and number 4 is lucky for Vajpayee the coming election is likely to be in his favour.
    2)The election year is 1999 which adds up to 1-his lucky number.
    3)In the history of Indian democracy,no defeated person who conducted election as caretaker Prime Minister has returned to rule.Vajpayee is likely to “break the record” as the 1st person.
    As regards Sonia,her prominent numbers are 3,6,8 and 9.
    She was born on December 9.For those born on the 9th of any month,numbers 3,6 and 9 are highly influential.
    Sonia’s name number is 17 which adds up to 8(1+7=8).The name Sonia Gandhi carries the number 36 which adds up to 9(3+6=9).To put it briefly,her prominent numbers are 3,6,8 and 9.
    She became a widow on May 21 which adds up to 3(2+1=3).At that time she was 44 years old(4+4=8).She became a member of the Congress on May 8.She plunged into politics in 1998-which adds up to 9(1+9+9+8=27,2+7=9).
    However the coming election has no considerable influence on her numbers.
    Another strong hint is that the possibility of a person from the Nehru family again becoming the Prime Minister of India is rather dim.
    Nehru was born in 1889.India saw the end of Nehru dynasty in 1989-that is,100 years after the birth of Nehru.
    The Indian National Congress was split in 1969-that is,100 years after the birth of Mahatma.
    There is no possibility of the revival of the pre-1969 Congress.The same seems to be the case of another person from the Nehru family heading the government.
    Jayalalitha’s birth number is 6.So,numbers 3,6 and 9 are lucky for her.In fact her penchant for number 9 is quite well-known.
    It is seen that she lived at house number 36,that at her foster son Sudhakaran’s marriage the bridegroom’s party was led by 27 mounted policemen and that the cultural troupe consisted of 27 members and that at a mass wedding for 1008 brides she presided over,the menu had 18 items(each number adds up to 9).Her party has 18 Mps.
    Quite recently,the AIADMK withdrew from the coordination panel on April 9 and Jaya left for New Delhi with a 9-day-mission to topple the Vajpayee government.
    Actually,the votes polled against Vajpayee were 270 which adds up to 9.But,alas,within 9 days the dream of an alternative government was also shattered.
    (The New Indian Express-May 17,1999)
    Kochi:Our native expert in numerology,MKDamodaran is back again with another finding.And, this time ,it’s a warning for Soniaji.While asserting that number 13 is lucky for Atalji,he goes on to say that Sonia’s Influential numbers are 3,6,8 and 9.
    He does not lay claims to any ‘divine powers’.However,certain hints have later been proved correct.
    Sonia resigned as Congress President on May 17,which adds up to 8(1+7=8) and withdrew her resignation on May 24,which adds up to 6(2+4=6) putting an end to the drama within 8 days!
    Now,in the light of reports regarding the alleged plot to eliminate Sonia,he furnishes 3 points.
    1)Numerologically,Sonia is prone to dangers from weapons or vehicles.
    2)Astrologically,a particular position of Mars and Saturn in her birth chart points to the same.
    3)The present movement of Mars and Saturn in the Zodiac further aggravates the dangerous tendency up to the end of August
    Damodaran says he obtained points 2 and 3 from an astrological scholar.
    So,Sonia has to take all precautionary measures -especially till August.
    Numerologically again,Sonia has to keep an eye on certain heavyweights presently close to her.Indeed,all that glittering planets revolving round her need not be golden in character.There is strong indication of someone waiting for a golden chance.
    Such people can shoot arrows at the appropriate time with uncanny precision and damage the ‘Sonia system’.
    A friend in greed should not be mistaken for a friend in need!Focussing her attention on “external enemies” and completely ignoring her “internal adversaries” is not desirable.So,Sonia has to resist the temptation for drifting along with the ecstatic tide of sweet and sychophantic slogans.Watch out for cunning and highly ambitious colleagues,he warned.
    (The New Indian Express daily-June 7,1999).
    PS:As predicted ,Vajpayee returned as Prime Minister and sworn in on October 13,1999.

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